Wednesday 19 December 2012

Our New Home! =D

Why hello my fellow ninjas made of chocolate.

CHOCOLATE NIINJAA is moving to a new home- hosted by Wordpress! Blogger's great but Wordpress will attract more readers. So, here's the link-

OUR NEW HOMEEE (yes, click here)

Thank you to all the lovely people who read this blog from the beginning, who knows what this new blog will become?
Something to chuck in the garbage? Or something with lots of followers and people reading it everyday?

Only time will tell. Now click that link and read on!

P.S- I'll take my favourite posts from this blog and re-publish them there (:

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Ocean Girl :)

Hey everyone xD
As you know, i really love art, and the other day i bought these hugely expensive £3.99 WHSmith pencils. I really like them though, they're the best pencils i've ever bought.

(As you can tell these pictures are taken by my crappy webcam)

I'm starting an experiment art piece called Ocean Girl using these pencils. It's basically half a girl's face but coloured with blue-green colours. It's an experiment mainly because i didn't sketch the girl out first, i just started colouring in, so it's pretty damn rubbish :D

Here's what i've done so far (my favourite part of the face, the eye)

Obviously this is nowhere near finished, the whole page is going to be blue by the end. By the way my drawing looks much better on paper, haha, it looks really disgusting and cartoony there :P

This took me about 20-30 min, it seems like a really long time but honestly it's harder than i thought it would be.. sheesh.


Sunday 9 December 2012

Simple Winter Favourites! :)

Everyone loves Winter fashion, right? It's the only time of the year you can get away with cool oversized snowman jumpers, leather ankle boots and snowflake necklaces. Everyone also has their own Winter favourites! I've sketched my ones out- and below them i'll give links to the real thing!


Notice that all these items are seriously expensive. I would never, not ever, be able to afford this whole outfit (and to think it's just a simple look!) I would basically just pick one of these products and buy them for my Christmas present. My favourite out of these favourites has to be that TopShop necklace- it looks kind of weird, but I can tell it'll go with everything and is really glam too. Maybe not worth the price, but you do have to spoil yourself once in a while ;)

Monday 3 December 2012

Labrinth Ft. Emeli Sande- Beneath Your Beautiful

Wow, another great song released this winter- Beneath your Beautiful by Labrinth and Emeli Sande! It's such a beautiful song because you get to see another side of Labrinth (I mean, seriously, does he ever sing like that?) and Emeli Sande is just great as usual. They make the perfect match... errm, in singing of course ... haha.
This song has such a great meaning of how the inside of someone matters not the outside <3

Now listen! Bye xx

David Guetta Ft Sia- She Wolf

The talented DJ David Guetta paired up with the gorgeous singer Sia (yet again) to release a new song: She Wolf!
They had previously made "Titanium" together which everyone loved. This song met up to its expectations too.
It has beautiful meaningful lyrics, stunning singing and just incredible music from David Guetta. The video was also very good, weaving that magic around everyone who watches it, just like Titanium. If not better!
I absolutely love this song and would give it 5 shiny wolf-eye stars and recommend it to you. Yes, YOU, sitting behind that laptop/computer/phone/whatever.
Now click that video and beat up that replay button! Cheers m'dears =P XD

Songwriting! =)

Hey guys, sorry for my break from posting!

So, i've recently got a new interest in songwriting, so am doing a post about it.
It's actually really fun when you songwrite, because you can make up anyyyy tune you like (im becoming a master table-tapper) and sing those words with your tune. I like doing simple drum chords (well, pencil-against-table chords) with the words. By the way, the songs can also be as sillyy as you want! (naming no names, my friend made this song how 'love is crazy, so don't be lazy...) haha! :P
Anybeans, my first try at a 'song' is below.

'SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL' By Miss Silly Songwriter
I saw it in your eyes the day we met,
I saw it in your eyes everyday from thennn.
You spoke words that were- sweeter than sugar,
At the sight of you my heart used to flutterr....

Ooh. And the moment I saw you,
I knew it was the start
Of something beautiful! x2

Because our lurv was freeer than the ocean

our lurv was freeer than the wind
And the moment i saw you
I just knew. it was the start. of something beautiful!!!
Bravoo!! Woohooo! I have a keyboard at home so I also messed about trying to make some music for this song. I ended up with something which was pretty funny (oh, the classic fun of keyboards making fart noises)

It's great fun. Try it for yourself.


Saturday 24 November 2012

Girl On Fire :)

Yessaries, The R&B Queen Alicia Keys has released a new song: Girl On Fire! It's really, really addictive and, it's those songs which you won't like the first time you hear it. Then, you begin to like it a teeny bit, more and more until your heart screams to listen to it!

It's such a powerful song with lots of meaning coming out of it. One of them for me personally is that a girl is never weak no matter what happens. They're always on fire! (Like Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games... lol)

Anyway, this song is given by me four bright stars. Applause, and enjoy listening =D

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Rihanna- Diamonds =D

Rihanna recently released a new song called "Diamonds" It's a seriously amazing song which I and lots of other people could listen to all day. It's addictive, obsessive and intense. It's one of a handful of Rihanna songs I would give 5 bright, shiny stars, or should I say diamonds in the sky? ;)

<< Diamonds Video

Our Gorgeous World ;D

First I'd just like to say, you won't really get this post if you're not an artistic person who loves loves loves life. You'll just look at the pictures with this post and be like, "Okay. Yeah. A picture." So I wouldn't bother wasting your time.
This is another photography post which are of random places in the world and they all remind me how lucky i am to live on the gorgeous Earth. All of them link back to, yet again, Amazing World  on Google+

Luxor, Egypt

Pelotas, Rio Grande Do Sul

Kyoto, Japan

The Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

The Ruins Of Prambanan In Yogyakarta

Burgos, Castille and Leon, Spain

Our world is just so amazing, beautiful, incredible, ground-breaking, mind-blowing, and earth-shatteringly gorgeous. (Yes i ran out of adjectives there.. :P)


Adele- Skyfall

Listen to Adele's Skyfall >>

So of course everyone knows about the new James Bond movie- Skyfall! The theme song for it was made by Adele, who I actually think is a living legend. Anyway- her song is obviously called "Skyfall" and I think it's pretty MIND-BLOWINGLY AMAZING.

The song is just soo addictive to listen to, as well as being very good and James Bond-y! If you get what I mean... The music is just, so.... well, listen to it and you'll know what i'm talking about!

I would give this song a 5/5! I would recommend to anyone and everyone, especially YOU. So listen to it from the above.


Adele's picture for Vogue

Friday 9 November 2012

3 Minute Draw! (=

Hey again! At school, in Geography, I was drawing under the table in secret ;) I have this thing where I set a seriously short time limit for myself and draw something. So, this is what I ended up with...

I took it with my crappy phone =D It took 3 minutes, and the sketch (if you can call it one) is pretty bad for that time, but still i thought i'd share it haha. It's a good time passer, this, so try it xD


Thursday 8 November 2012

Scrapbooks xD

Yeah, the word 'scrapbook' probably makes you yawn (used to make me, too) but, for a while now, i've wanted to start scrapbooking, just to see if it's fun or anything.

So. the other day, i bought this cute little notebook with a scribbly cat pattern on it (it was an impulse buy, I didn't know what i would use it for) and decided to attempt scrapbooking in it. So i tried. And iT WAS actually fun, if you like cool crafty things like meh! =D

 These are my first pages, which are a bit messy, but i still love them. (These pages have a kind of cosy theme, you know what i mean? Cupcakes and tea and biscuits...)

So, yeah! I would defo recommend you start a scrapbook. You can decide a theme for each page, and then, to fill it in, you can use pretty much anything- draw, print out pics from Google, cut out magazine pics, take your own photos... It's basically putting your imagination, dreams and inspiration onto paper! I know it sounds cheesy, but... just try it out! The best thing is, when you look back at it, you'll find a tangled mess of beautiful pictures and gorgeous drawings. All done by you...


Sunday 4 November 2012

Happy November! =D

 November has now officially begun!
There are two main events in November:
• Bonfire Night
• Remembrance Day

I personally can't wait for tommorow (Bonfire Night) to see all the fireworks! Woohoo...

If you've forgotten how fun Bonfire Night is click here to see London's 2011 fireworks. Pretty amazing!

But also there is a sad side- Remembrance Day- the day where we remember all those brave soldiers by wearing poppies and having one or two minutes in silence. ='(
Click here for a video I found on Youtube which gives respect for the soldiers on Remembrance Day.



The Remembrance Poppy

Thursday 25 October 2012

Chris Brown- Don't Wake Me Up Song Review xD

Okay so today's song review is on Chris Brown-Don't Wake Me Up.
It's been out for a while now, but I still love it! It's really catchy and the tune will stick in your head for a longgg time.
It has a really good beat and is perfect for dancing to, whether it's in a glamorous party or just in your plain old bathroom! :)

I would give this song 4.999999 out of 5! The reason it's not a five is because it's quite repetitive, which I really like, but it may get on some people's nerves. So...yeah =D

Listen to it here but be warned- you might find yourself beating up the Replay button!


© Copyright to the random person who owns this pic ©

Sunday 21 October 2012

Halloween! (=

I'm not a big fan of Halloween but I just had to do a post about it.

Halloween, for me, is the night of 31st October when kids and even adults go Trick-or-Treating to collect sweets and chocolates in their pumpkin goodie bags. They dress up as scary things, like witches and ghosts and zombies, and go knocking at people's doors. They also egg the people who don't hand over some treats (bad choice, people!)

People think that Halloween is the one night where the veil between the living and dead lift a little. It's very s-s-s-spooky! Here are some ideas of some s-s-s-spooky treats to make!




these ideas are from the i heart daily newsletter. 

Hope you enjoy these scary-cool treats! If you want to know more, just research for more Halloween-y recipes.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday 20 October 2012


Everyone's got to absolutely LURV sweet things! Anyone who doesn't, needs a serious dose of chocolate and a trip to the candy shop.

I recently started making cutesy sugary&sweet things at home like cupcakes and cookies. I was going to take tons of pictures of them to post, but my SD Card broke. It's a long story which included me wailing my head off (a lot of memories were on that SD Card) Anyway, I decided to satisfy people with these pictures to get you in the sweet, sugar-rushing mood!
 © Googly Gooeys



cupcakes c:


Sorry if you've got diabetes or something and are now dying to eat sugary things. You should have been warned by the title...


(P.S I really need a chocolate right now)

Sunday 14 October 2012

Bracelets =D

Today you're going to meet my friends: my bracelets. Who doesn't lurvv bracelets? They're awesome! I have a whole collection of bracelets from different countries all over the world. Here's just a peek at my collection. Enjoy =-P

Venice, Italy
Saudi Arabia 

Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, Turkey


London (my city lol)

So I hope you enjoyed this post. I just wanted to show everyone the talent which exists around the world! (In making bracelets, ofcourse lool.)


Saturday 13 October 2012

Amazing Photography! =-0

I was browsing through Google Images when I found these INCREDIBLE pictures of a few countries...

They all link back to Amazing World on this site called Google+.

Copyright to the rightful owners of these photographs.

New Hampshire, USA
New Zealand

Swallow's Nest Castle, Yalta, Ukraine


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Audrey Hepburn Quotes (=

Breakfast at Tiffany's

(Just incase you don't know, Audrey Hepburn is an amazing actress who isn't alive anymore but people still admire her as a person.)

Audrey Hepburn (click name for more info) is a well-loved and admired person, even today after her death- I'm positive about that! She is an inspiration to so many people! Also, there are many quotes by her- these are 3 of my favourites which I definitely try to follow =)

"For beautiful eyes, see the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!'"

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life- to be happy- it's all that matters."

-Audrey Hepburn

Click here for more quotes by the incredible actress!


(Sorry about the short post- homework overload.)

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Marilyn Monroe by Nicki Minaj- Review (=

First of all, sorry for not posting for ages! I had SOO much homework (I still haven't finished =/) and not even a minute to myself.

Anyhooss.. Today i'm going to be doing a song review on Marilyn Monroe by Nicki Minaj (click name for more info) It's one of the less known songs by her and has been out for quite a long time- it's still awesome though. There's no rapping but instead her singing, it's really nice. (=

The music is amazing and her singing is great too. I would probably rate the song around 8- it's an awesome song but i'm not sure EVERYONE would love it. Most people prefer Nicki Minaj rapping rather than singing. Still, i'd definitely hear it if i were you.

Listen to it here.


CD Cover of Marilyn Monroe

Saturday 6 October 2012

Magical =D

You probably know I love art by now, right?

Well, two of the most magical artists I know are Linda Ravenscroft and Josephine Wall (click names to get to their websites.) They both have two things in common:

1) They paint fantasy

 2)They are absolutely amazing.

Here are a few works by Linda Ravenscroft:

And some by Josephine Wall:

Incredible, aren't they?


Thursday 4 October 2012

Hello ;3

Hi and welcome to Chocolate Ninja! (:

This blog is all about the things i heart, but mainly art, photography, and music.

I will post a lot of my own art as well as others, and also my photography. Oh, and don't forget song reviews! xD

I'm sure you'll love it. Almost every post will have at least one photo with it. I can't leave this post out! So, meet...


He's cute, right?

Well i hope you'll keep on visiting Chocolate Ninja, I'll try to post as much as possible. Thankies for reading!

>>If you liked my post pleasee follow, it'll get much better =}
And don't forget to comment please! <<
